303 Third Avenue NW. The house is owned by Marj Whitley.
The following is a conversation between Marj Whitley and Machele Pelkey on February 28, 2020. Marj has lived in the house nearly 53 years. Her parents, Carl & Verla Whittemore purchased the house in 1966. Carl worked at Cornell. Verla helped at Brackett House. Verla loved to tell the story of when Martin Luther King came to Cornell. She served him breakfast and he asked if she would sit and eat with him. He was a very nice man.
According to Judy Johnston (fuel oil delivery man) a funeral and a wedding were held in the house in the bay windows. Ramona Colon Barrett and John E. Colon were both married in the house. Mrs. Hilda (Colon) Yeisley grew up in the house.
Marj believes the front part of the house was built by Charles Kepler and moved to current location in 1892. To learn more-search High School History Reports: The History of our Grandparents House by Angie Osborn and Lindsey Whitley.