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The Mount Vernon Historic Preservation Commission


The purpose of the Mount Vernon Historic Preservation Commission is to identify, interpret and protect the historic and archaeological resources of our community and encourage historic tourism.

Core Responsibilities

The MVHPC conducts preservation and education projects such as organizing intensive surveys & evaluations, leading historic tours, creating audio tours, nominating buildings and areas for the National Register of Historic Places, and organizing a variety of educational activities to promote historic preservation in the community.

Program History

Since starting in 1987:

  • Listed three districts on the National Register of Historic Places: Ash Park, Cornell College, Commercial
  • Enacted a Design Review ordinance for the designated historic districts
  • Spearheaded a historic masonry evaluation of all brick buildings in the Commercial District
  • Launched the MVHPC Website
  • Provided technical assistance and expertise on historic preservation projects
  • Assisted property owners to obtain grants from the State Historical Society of Iowa
  • Assisted property owners with information and contacts for state and federal historic preservation tax credits and available grant funding
  • Conducted seminars in proper preservation techniques: porch restoration, historic paint colors, window restoration, masonry repairs
  • Led walking tours of the historic districts
  • Awarded a summer student internship
  • Published newsletters
  • Hosted outreach programs
  • Preserved city and cemetery records
  • Preserved and displayed Mickey Woods’s Historic Mount Vernon mural
  • Created educational publications
  • Successfully nominated 11 brick houses on the NRHP

About the 3 photos used in our featured image (from left to right):